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我沒能成功註冊 ChatGPT 帳戶,所以我改使用 HIX Chat。它能做到所有 ChatGPT 能做到的事,甚至可以輸入一些個人化的意見和指令,這點真的很不錯。我也查看了生成的內容,所提及的內容資訊皆是準確且即時更新的。這絕對是最棒的 ChatGPT 替代工具。
撰寫電子郵件並非我的強項。但我每天都不得不回覆大量來自客戶的郵件。最終是 HIX 電子郵件編寫工具幫我脫離了苦海。它能幫我對之前的郵件內容進行歸納總結,並提供 3 種建議的回覆內容。我只需從中進行選擇,就能自動產生隨時可寄送出去的電子郵件。更棒的是,這款外掛程式可以與 Gmail 完美搭配在一起!
最近我發現有 HIX Editor 這麼一款工具,可允許我在一個介面進行寫作、編輯並對內容進行潤飾!這比 Notion.AI 方便太多了!現在我可以專注於寫作,不用再被那些複製、貼上或切換頁面等操作給打斷思緒,真的是太棒了!
我使用 HIX Writer 為我的論文創建了大綱和結論。以前我要花很長時間才能寫出一篇完整的論文,但是有了寫作工具的幫助,我只用了1天就寫完了!
在 HIX 翻譯的協助下,我成功地與一位海外的客戶進行了溝通,更獲得了訂單。HIX 翻譯的內容實在是太準確了,我的客戶還以為我精通他的語言。
我超喜歡 HIX.AI,因為他們的書寫工具真的超好用。 不需要我去思考要輸入什麼指令來得到我想要的內容,因為 HIX.AI 已經幫我完成了!
我對 HIX Writer 的功能感到驚訝。我經常用它來創建廣告文案和社交媒體帖子。它產生的個人化和品牌內容具有一流的品質。它確實幫助我吸引了很多客戶。這絕對是行銷人員必備的工具。
HIX Writer 的計畫和定價如何運作?
我們知道要選擇購買新的工具是一項重大決定。這就是為什麼我們要提供免費方案,讓您無需支付任何費用或承擔任何購買義務,即可體驗我們 AI 寫作工具的強大功能。
我們接受所有主流信用卡/簽帳金融卡、Apple Pay、Google Pay、Link 和 PayNow 等支付方式。
我的 HIX.AI 付款資訊安全性如何?
在 HIX.AI,我們非常重視資訊安全。我們使用行業標準的加密技術來確保您的支付資訊有受到妥善保護。
我訂閱 HIX Writer 是否可以存取其他 HIX.AI 產品?
您訂閱 HIX Writer 僅允許您存取該產品的功能。要使用我們其他產品(如 ArticleGPT、HIX Bypass 或我們的瀏覽器擴充功能)的完整功能,您需要購買各自的方案。
What Our Customers Said About Us?
I use ChatGPT to assist with my content creation a lot so I need an AI detection bypasser to humanize my content. I've tried many and they only produce rewrites that are hard to read. But HIX Bypass is different! It can give me highly-readable humanized text without any grammatical errors.
The effectiveness of HIX Bypass is simply incredible. I've tested it with many AI detectors: Winston AI, Turnitin, Copyleaks, and their outputs can pass them easily!
I've tried several tools, but nothing compares to HIX Bypass. It can really help me bypass tools like ZeroGPT and copyleaks. My AI-generated content has never been safer!
Many AI detection bypassers out there will distort the meaning of my content. But HIX Bypass always preserves the original text meaning and misses nothing my content is trying to deliver.
HIX Bypass has been a great help for me. It can seamlessly transform my AI-generated content into human-like text, undetectable by any AI content detectors. Truly remarkable!
HIX Bypass really impresses me. It's not just how effective they are, but their customer service is also top-notch. I was having an issue using this tool, and they just gave me the solution in just an hour. Incredible!
I struggled with many AI detection bypassers that delivered hard-to-read rewrites. Then I discovered HIX Bypass. I tried a few AI detectors with this tool and it got past them easily. And the rewritten text it produced was beautifully written! Nothing like the awkward humanized text by other bypassers.