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Home > Emails > How to write farewell & goodbye emails to coworkers, friends, and more

How to write farewell & goodbye emails to coworkers, friends, and more

Lawrie Jones
Written by
Lawrie JonesProfessional Tech Writer
Updated on:Jun 18, 2024

And now, the end is near and you’re about to leave… Farewell emails – or last working day emails – are sent to coworkers when you're about to leave a company. Whether you're sad to leave or happy to escape, you should always send a farewell email. Why? Because it's the right thing to do (and you follow the rules, right?)

Farewell emails are, by their nature, personal, but they must also be professional. Getting the tone right is essential, so let's show you how so you can enjoy your last day like a king and leave like a legend!

Learn how to say goodbye in style with HIX.AI.

Creating Heartfelt Farewell and Goodbye Emails Is Just That Easy

Struggling to express your sentiments in farewell or goodbye emails? Utilize our AI email writer to convey your message with ease and warmth!

What is a farewell email?

On your last working day, you'll need to say thanks for your time there. Yes, you will need to do this even if you’ve hated the job. An excellent farewell email expresses thanks to your colleagues and the organization. It expresses gratitude for your time there and sets out a positive future.

Even if you don’t 100% believe it, they will and that’s what matters. You can also invite people out for a drink when you can be truly honest if you want to. (Although it’s probably a good idea to wait for your reference before you do.)

Great farewell emails are personal, coming from the heart, not necessarily the head.

Sometimes, you may not have wanted to leave a business, but you'll need to stay strong and not let your negative feelings come across. Rise above it and be a better person.

By now, you're probably wondering what great last-working-day emails are, so let's show you 5 farewell email examples!

5 farewell email samples

We’re getting to bid farewell to friends, colleagues, and that weird guy by the photocopier. They’re going to be sent to everyone, so save your tearful reminisces for another time and just focus on the basics. Less talking, more showing – here are the samples!

Goodbye email to a colleague

We start with a simple, standard farewell email. Is it boring? Perhaps but it’s professional. This example provides a basic thank you to your colleagues and managers. It's not the most personal message, which makes it suitable to send to everyone in a team or organization. OK, it’s a bit boring, but if you’re in that sort of workplace, then it’s perfect.

Here's a simple farewell email sample.

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you that my time at [Company/Organization] has come to an end. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincerest gratitude for the opportunity to work with such amazing colleagues and managers like yourself.

During my time here, I have learned so much and have grown both professionally and personally. I am grateful for the support, guidance, and collaboration that I have received from all of you.

It has been a pleasure being a part of this team and organization, and I will cherish the memories and experiences shared with each and every one of you.

Again, thank you for everything and I wish you all continued success in your future endeavors.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

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Personal farewell email

This personal farewell email sample is the complete opposite of the one above. It's all about bringing out your personality, sharing memories, and making people smile!

Personal farewell emails can include as much information as you wish but always stick to the formal farewell email format.

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I wanted to take a moment to say goodbye and express my gratitude for the incredible memories we've shared together. It's bittersweet to think that our time working together has come to an end, but I am excited about the new opportunities that await me.

Throughout our journey, we've laughed, learned, and grown together. From the countless team lunches to the late-night brainstorming sessions, every moment has been special. I am truly grateful for all the support and camaraderie you've shown me.

Although I'll miss seeing your smiling faces every day, I am confident that our paths will cross again in the future. Until then, please stay in touch, and remember that my door is always open if you need anything.

Wishing you continued success and happiness
[Your Name]

Farewell email to a friend

This personal farewell email is sent to an individual that matters to you. It could be a colleague you've bonded with or a boss who has boosted your place in the business. Focus on the memories you've made and the connection you've created in your email farewell.

Dear [Recipient's Name],

As I sit here and compose this email, I can't help but reminisce about all the wonderful memories we've created together. From shared laughs and inside jokes to overcoming obstacles as a team, our bond goes beyond just being colleagues.

Over the years, your guidance and support have not only helped me grow professionally but also played a crucial role in shaping me into the person I am today. Your leadership and encouragement have boosted my confidence, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

Although it's bittersweet to say goodbye, I am confident that our paths will cross again in the future. Please keep in touch, and don't hesitate to reach out if there's ever anything I can do for you.

Thank you for everything, [Recipient's Name]. You will always hold a special place in my heart.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Farewell email with contact details

Do you want to stay in touch with colleagues? Then always include your contact details! This email provides links to your social profiles, telephone number, and personal email address. Delete the sections you don't need to build your personal farewell emails with contact details.

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. As I prepare to bid farewell, I wanted to ensure that we stay connected. Therefore, I am sharing my contact details for future correspondence:

Social Profiles:

  • LinkedIn([YourProfile])
  • Twitter([YourProfile])

Telephone Number: [Your Phone Number]

Personal Email Address: [Your Email Address]

Please feel free to reach out to me through any of these channels. I have valued our professional relationship and look forward to staying in touch.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Farewell email with a drinks invite

Let's get the party started with this farewell email and party invite in one! As well as saying thanks for your time at a business, you're also asking people to join you for a farewell, so ensure to add all the information required in your email. Don't forget the date, time, and location.

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. It is with mixed emotions that I write to inform you that my time at [Business Name] is coming to an end. As a token of appreciation for your support and friendship throughout the years, I would like to invite you to a farewell gathering.

The event will take place on [Date] at [Time]. We have booked [Location] for the occasion. It would mean a lot to me if you could join and celebrate together. There will be drinks, music, and reminiscing about the good times we had.

Please let me know if you are able to attend by [RSVP Date] so that we can make the necessary arrangements. I truly hope to see you there and say our goodbyes properly.

Thank you once again for your ongoing support and genuine friendship.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

How to write a farewell email on your last working day

Farewell emails are built around the formal email format. If you're already used to writing business emails, this should be familiar, but the farewell email format has three parts:

  • Farewell email subject line
  • Body copy
  • Sign-off/ending

In this section, we go into details, showing you what's included in each section. Then, we'll build a template as we work through the list.

Farewell email subject line

It's time to say goodbye; every farewell email starts with a suitable subject line. Of course, you're free to choose whatever works for you, but here are some suggested email subject lines for your last day.

  • Farewell on my last day
  • And do, the last day is here…
  • Sorry to say, it’s my last day!
  • I just wanted to say goodbye
  • I’m going, it’s my last day :-(
  • Drinks invite – It’s my last day
  • I can’t wait to leave (just joking)
  • Sorry you guys have to stay

These are some examples for you to choose from. You can use these are the basis for building your own farewell message subject lines. And don’t use the last two, they were there as a joke.

Farewell email body copy

Start your farewell messages with a polite greeting (hi, hello, etc.). If you're emailing a single person, then use their first name. When emailing more than one person (your team or organization, for example), then you can use hi, or hello, or add the word "team" or "colleagues".

Start your email by explaining why you're messaging.

"Today is my last day, and I wanted to email you all to say goodbye!"

Then, say thanks for your time at the company. You can use a single sentence or add some funny or meaningful stories.

"I've had a wonderful time working at (company name). I've loved being here and have learned a huge amount from all of you. Some of my favorite memories include (add details)."

Now you can explain your plans for the future.

"You may not know, but I'm taking up a new position at (insert details)."

At this stage, you can provide details about any social events you may have organized, such as drinks or a leaving party.

Farewell email sign-off/next steps

At the end of the email, you can provide contact details or links to social profiles.

"I'd love to stay in touch with you. I've included my contact details below. It would be great to hear from some of you!"

It's polite to add a final thanks before your big farewell.

"Thanks for all the memories. I wish you all the best for the future!"

Now, sign off with a polite ending (thanks, many thanks, kind regards, etc.), and you're done.

Next, add your name, signature, and links, and it's time to send! You can also learn more about how to end an email in this guide.

Before you push the button, check out our 10-pointers for writing awesome farewell emails.

5 principles for writing last working day emails

Anyone can say goodbye, but they’ll fade into the memory as their messages are boring. Sounds harsh, but it’s totally true (and you know it). You can sit there and write a short and dull message out of duty or have a bit of fun and make people smile. What’s your choice?

If you (like us) prefer the second option, here are 5 principles for writing fantastic farewell emails that will make people smile, laugh, and cry.

  1. Write for your audience: OK, we’ve told you to be creative, but realistically, the style of your message depends on who you're writing to. Adjust your tone to your colleagues, supervisors, and clients. If you're worried about getting things right, it's better to be formal. If you’re writing to friends, then let’s have a bit of fun.
  2. Be positive and say thanks. It seems like common sense, but so many people write boring messages that are positive about the business but fail to mention people.
  3. Embrace your personality. You’re leaving the business and have nothing left to prove, so bring in some of your personality. Make people laugh, smile, cry, and be honest with your feelings. But, if you’re leaving in bad circumstances, suck it up and don’t mention it.
  4. Proofread and write like a pro. Spelling mistakes, grammar errors, and other easy-to-fix email issues can be embarrassing. Always proofread emails before sending your farewell messages. Check for spelling and grammar issues. Well-written farewell emails and polite, positive, professional, and always proofread.
  5. Check company policies. Don’t ever upset or offend anyone, and before sending a message on your last day at work, check that you follow all company policies. You'd always want to follow the rules, even on your last day!

If you’ve come to the end of your time somewhere and are struggling to find the right words to say goodbye, check out HIX.AI's email generator. It’s a powerful AI writing assistant that can help you craft clear, compelling, and captivating farewell email messages. If you’re leaving in a hurry, it’ll save you time.


So, we’ve arrived at the end of our guide to writing last work day emails, and we want to thank you for your time and dedication! Of course, you'll be excited about starting a new position, but do what’s right and write a great farewell message. Of course, you can go through the motions and bash out a boring message, but now is your time to shine – so say what you think clearly and confidently! We bid you farewell and good luck…

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