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Home > Emails > How to write follow up interview emails (5 examples)

How to write follow up interview emails (5 examples)

Lawrie Jones
Written by
Lawrie JonesProfessional Tech Writer
Updated on:Jan 17, 2024

You aced the interview, and so the waiting begins! We all know that the post-interview period can be stressful as you wait to hear about the progress of your application, but what should you do if you don't hear anything? It's time to send a follow-up email after an interview.

It may seem like a bold step, but a follow-up email after an interview shows that you mean business! It’s bold, confident, and totally acceptable to send.

In this article, we explore what follow-up emails after interviews are and why it's essential you know how to write them. To help, we provide you with 5 samples (totally free and fair to copy and paste).

  • Follow-up email after an in-person interview
  • Follow-up email after phone interview
  • Follow-up email after Zoom interview
  • Follow up email after no response
  • Final follow-up email to recruiter after interview

We can't guarantee you'll get the job, but we'll do everything possible to give you the best chance!

Effortlessly Create Your Follow-Up Interview Emails

Make a lasting impression after your interview by using our free AI email writer to craft the perfect follow-up correspondence.

What are follow-up emails after an interview?

Follow-up interview emails are used to get you an answer to a crucial question: are you getting the job or not? (Or are you getting another interview, but you know what we mean).

Follow-up emails after an interview are challenging to write. First, you must pitch it at the right level. You have to be polite, of course, but you also need to push for a response because you can't be expected to sit around waiting all day, can you?

You must be sensitive in how you write and spend time getting the tone of voice correct. You'll also need to stick to a familiar format that contains all the information the recipient will need.

Focus on skills, and aim to build a connection!

Sounds tough, but it's pretty easy – as demonstrated in these 5 post-interview follow-up email templates.

5 follow up email after interview examples

Ready to see how it's done? Here are 5 post-interview follow-up email samples for you to read and review.

Follow-up email after an in-person interview

When you've completed an in-person interview, you'll know the person you're messaging. That relationship enables you to send a personal message directly to them.

In this sample follow-up email after an in-person interview, we express gratitude for the meeting and create a connection with a personal message. We then ask about the next steps – and (hopefully) another interview!

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to follow up on our recent in-person interview. It was a pleasure meeting with you and discussing the [position/role] at [company name].

After our conversation, I am even more excited about the opportunity to join the [company name] team. I believe my skills and experience align well with the requirements of the position, and I am confident in my ability to contribute to the company's success.

Please let me know if there is any additional information or documentation I can provide to support my candidacy. I look forward to hearing from you regarding the next steps in the hiring process.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Read also: How to write thank you emails after interview (5 examples)

Follow-up email after phone interview

Phone interviews are less personal and are often the first stage in the recruitment process. However, recruiters may interview many candidates on the phone and take a long time to contact you. If that happens, hit them up with this follow-up email after a phone interview.

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up on our recent phone interview for the [position title] role at [company name]. I enjoyed our conversation and am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team.

I would like to inquire about the status of the hiring process and if there is any additional information or documentation I can provide to support my application. I am very interested in this role and believe my skills and experience align well with the requirements discussed.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you and hope to have the opportunity to continue the conversation.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

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Read also: How To Send Effective Follow-Up Emails (5 Samples & Templates)

Follow-up email after Zoom interview

Zoom interviews are halfway between an in-person and phone meeting. We recommend staying formal with your correspondence – something we do in this sample. You'll see we great the interviewer positively and professionally. It's about building your brand.

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up and express my appreciation for the opportunity to interview with you on Zoom. It was a great experience and I believe our discussion was productive.

Please let me know if there is any additional information or documentation you require from my end.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Read also: How to Ask for a Raise via Email

Follow-up email after no response

It's not unheard of to have to wait days or even weeks after the interview process ends for a response. There can be lots of reasons a process may be delayed, so don't despair. Instead, use this gentle follow-up email after no response.

Don't be upset or angry no matter how much you want the job. Keep things gentle and relaxed while pushing for an update/answer.

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to follow up on the status of my application for [Job Position].

Since our interview on [Date], I have not received any updates regarding the hiring process. I understand that there may be various factors contributing to this delay.

I am still very interested in the opportunity to work with [Company Name]. If there are any additional documents or references you require, please let me know. I am more than happy to provide them.

Thank you for your attention. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Final follow-up email to recruiter after interview

OK, if they don't respond after the polite email above, it's time to draw a line and move on. But before you do that, send this final follow-up email to a recruiter after an interview. Again, there may be fair reasons for a delay – and in business, it's never wise to burn bridges!

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am following up on our recent interview for the [position] at [Company Name]. I wanted to express my continued interest in the position and inquire about the status of the hiring process.

If there are any additional materials or references that you need from me, please let me know. I am more than happy to provide any further information that will assist in the decision-making process.

Thank you for your attention and for considering my candidacy for this role.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

How to write follow-up emails after an interview

Follow-up emails are simple to write because they're short, straight to the point, and stick to the same reliable format. The follow-up email format has three parts:

  • Subject line
  • Body copy
  • Sign off/next steps

We can go through each of these stages in order, building up an effective template as we go.

Follow up interview email subject line

Follow-up subject lines must spell out what you're messaging about. In most cases, you'll want to use the words "interview" in your email subject lines. You could also include details of the role, the interview date, and your name.

Here are some in-person interview email subject line examples:

  • Following up after our interview
  • Thanks for interviewing me
  • Thank you for the interview opportunity
  • Post-interview follow-up: Thanks for the opportunity
  • Fina check – What are the next steps?
  • One last attempt – interview follow-up

Follow up interview email body copy

The basic post-interview email body copy begins with a friendly greeting using the person's first name (hi, or hello is fine). Next, explain who you are and why you're emailing. In this example, we're emailing after we've been interviewed by a panel for a job as a programmer.

"My name is (your name). I attended an interview for the programmer position at (company name) on (date)."

It's always good to say something positive about the interview and why you're excited about the process.

"The interview went really, and I was excited about the opportunity. I felt we established a great connection, and after learning more about the job, I feel I am a great fit."

At this point, you can include your request.

"I want to follow-up with you to ask about when I can expect to hear about whether I will make it to the next stage of the process?"

You can express gratitude now and be positive (but not pushy).

"I appreciate that you are busy, and I know that you are interviewing several candidates. Please can you contact me when you have an update?"

Follow up interview email sign-off/next steps

We've explained who we are and why we're sending a post-interview email; now, let's provide our contact details.

"If you need to contact me about anything, feel free to get in touch. You can email me at (insert email address)."

Add a gracious ending.

"Thanks once again for the opportunity to interview for the role. I'm excited to learn more and hopefully progress to the next stage."

Always add a suitable sign-off (thanks, many thanks, kind regards, etc.). Then, add your name, email signature, and contact details, and click send.

Learn how to write thank you email after interview

How to professionally write follow-up emails after an interview - expert guides

When you *REALLY* want the job, waiting to hear can be painful. You give it a day, which becomes two, or three, or four and you just want to know. It’s absolutely your right to send an interview follow-up email. In fact, it’s important you do so you can get on with the rest of your day/week/month/life.

The good thing is that you’ve built a personal connection with the person who interviewed you (or the panel if it was more than one). That’s a great start, and makes writing post-interview emails easier.

You’ll have read the guide and got a general idea, but here are 5 ways to write pro-post-interview follow-up messages:

  1. Address the person and build a connection. Your interview broke down barriers and built a relationship between you which means you can be less formal. How? You can address them using their first name, mention the interview, and reference your responses. Personal emails are powerful, so use this to your advantage.
  2. Use your emails to push your skills, including mentioning any and all relevant skills. During the interview, you’ll have learned more about what they are searching for so reference this. If you’ve forgotten something (a key achievement, qualification, project, or personal accomplishment), then include it. This isn’t the time to be shy and retire.
  3. Send it ASAP. you can knock up post-interview emails as soon as you leave (but this might be a bit too soon). But don’t leave it too long. We recommend sending an interview within a few days of your interview,
  4. Every email pro knows how to proofread. Checking your emails before sending them is essential. Spelling the person’s name incorrectly, referencing the job wrongly, or just making simple mistakes (we’re looking at you there and they’re) can impact your chances of getting the job.
  5. Use tech to help. Sometimes, writing follow-up emails is a struggle but it doesn’t have to be. HIX.AI's AI email writer can help you write better emails for any situation. Interview follow-up? Done! Job application? Easy! What’s more, every response is 100% accurate, proofread, and professional. Great emails are as easy as CTRL+V.


Interview follow-up emails are tricky to write, but sticking to the format and following our tips should make it as simple as possible. Work through your email and ensure the critical information is in the right place. Always say thanks, appreciate the opportunity, and present yourself as a suitable candidate, and you'll stand the best chance of getting hired.

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